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Faux White Dahlia & Spring Greens Bouquet


A stunning classic white and green bouquet perfect for filling your vase. These white faux Dahlias are beautiful for creating a dramatic floral display in your home, paired with Green seeded Noah leaf, Stock stems and Limonium for added texture. The stunning stems in this luxurious bouquet are designed to look like they are real. Our hand tied bouquets are the perfect addition for your home. All stems are hand wired and height can be adjusted by gently folding the bottom to suit your chosen vase. 

Bouquet includes: 

3 x Large White Dahlia Stems 65cm

2 x Green Seeded Noah Leaf Stems 72cm

2 x Two Stemmed Faux Stock 85cm

3  x Ivory Limonium Stem 76cm

Price Per Bouquet, Vase not included. 


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Complete the look:

Faux White Dahlia & Spring Greens Bouquet
